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So, with the hope of trying to alleviate some of my own suffering - I went to a yoga class. It was excruciating at first - in every way.


My body protested with every asana; visions of my former supple self, cruelly reminding me that I was no longer and my  mind  continuously searched for a distraction. I barely got thru the first few classes.


But for some reason - I persevered. And to my surprise and delight - something began to shift. I felt better - in my body especially, but in my mind as well.


Slowly (very slowly) but surely,  I began to regain some flexibility. I felt stronger after a few months of yoga practise than after years of weight training. The usual nagging stiffness and soreness began to ease.  I had more patience for my family, my work and everything else in my life. I was hooked. 

My family likes to tease me that "yoga is the answer to all your woes."

If you're stiff and sore, go to yoga - if you're car breaks down, go to yoga!

Ha! But all kidding aside - there is something to that.

I do believe yoga can change your life, you just have to let it.

The more challenges we face as we age, the more we need to keep moving.

Yoga offers mobility, strength and flexibility to parts of our body that often are overlooked by other (large muscle group) activities. Many small muscles and joints need TLC and attention so that we may KEEP doing all the other activities we enjoy, prevent injury - and literally age more gracefully.  

Teaching, I feel - is a calling -  and I have always been a "teacher" of some kind!

 From lifeguarding and teaching swimming lessons in my teens to coaching gymnastics and mentoring other coaches, to being a freelance educator in the financial industry still today...I seem to always be teaching somebody something!

I love being able to offer people;  relief, healing, release, information, awareness  - whatever they need yoga to give them.

For me, it is energizing and rewarding for beyond measure. 


Klara holds a Bachelor Physical Education in Sports Administration from the University of Alberta.

She was national level certified coach in rhythmic gymnastics as well as course conductor with the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). 

She completed her (200 hour YTT) foundational training at Shambhava Yoga Konalani in Hawaii

and her (300 hour YTT)  advanced training at Vancouver School of Yoga.


Klara has also done training in Yin Yoga, Trauma Sensitive Yoga

& Restorative Yoga. 

She is the former Assistant Director of Yoga for Yoga4Stiff People.

Klara teaches  public classes at Semperviva, Just Yoga, The YWCA and Yoga4Stiff People in Vancouver as well as at Invati Yoga & Wellness in Lake Country, BC.

She is available for private, group & corporate classes - get in touch! 

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